Artificial Muscle

Upon heating, a strain-programmable fiber-based artificial muscle lifts a dumbbell 650 times its own weight.
Mehmet Kanik
Senior Scientist on Advanced Materials, Impossible Foods
Sirma Orguc
Postdoc at MIT BCS (w/ Emery Brown)
Georgios Varnavides
Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley
Polina Anikeeva
Polina Anikeeva
Matoula S. Salapatas Professor and Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Director, K. Lisa Yang Brain-Body Center
Associate Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Associate Director, Research Laboratory of Electronics

My goal is to combine the current knowledge of biology and nanoelectronics to develop materials and devices for minimally invasive treatments for neurological and neuromuscular diseases.